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Team of Experts

Parker B Jones
Research Engineer



Parker B Jones Photo

Selected PublicationsTotal Publications by Parker B Jones:  4 
Hicks, J., Wall, E. S., Shelly, Z., Jones, P. B., Burch V, R. F., & Reimann, W. (2019). Signal Detection in American Football Play Calling: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Applied Psychology. Cogent Psychology. 6(1), 1703471. DOI:10.1080/23311908.2019.1703471. [Abstract] [Document]

Hamilton, M. A., Jaradat, R. M., Jones, P. B., Wall, E. S., Dayarathna, V., Ray, D., & Hsu, G. (2018). Immersive Virtual Training Environment for Teaching Single and Multi-queuing Theory: Industrial Engineering Queuing Theory Concepts. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Salt Lake City, UT.

Hamilton, M. A., Jaradat, R. M., Wall, E. S., Jones, P. B., Ray, D., & Dayarathna, V. (2018). Learning Industrial Engineering Concepts with Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences. Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Orlando, FL.

Hamilton, M. A., Jones, P. B., & Wall, E. S. (2018). Using Virtual Reality for Decision Reduction Visualizations of Large Datasets. Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Orlando, FL.